Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) Preparation

About this program
Digital Scholastic Aptitude Test (DSAT) Preparation
About this program
MSA offers a 32-hour preparation course for Digital Scholastic Aptitude Test (DSAT), a standardized test widely used for college admission in the USA.
The current SAT is digital and takes 2 hours and 14 minutes. The highest possible score is 1600, combining the test results from 2 Main Sections: Math and Reading and Writing. The Math section has two 35-minute modules. The Reading and Writing section has two 32-minute modules.
SAT Supplemental Review
This 12-hour preparation program aims to enhance your test-taking skills by helping you review your previous lessons, giving you advanced lessons, and familiarizing you with the different types of exam you will encounter.
Program Packages
hours - SAT 1
hours - SAT 2
One-on-One Review